The key to problem solving is to know that the problem you are facing has already been solved in some way or the other. It could be a human being, or even nature. If you have studied computer science, you must be familiar with the concept of reduction. All you need to solve a difficult problem is to reduce it to an already solved problem.
This reduction is a way of making an analogy with a similar problem. In other words, analogy itself is a great tool to solve problems. For me, when faced with any problem, I simply make an analogy with some concept or phenomenon in the real world. The I can notice how nature deals with it and what can be done to solve it. Finally, I need to map the solution of nature back to my actual problem context. Thats it!
Nature is the best thing to make an analogy with. In fact, I recently found out that Biomimicry is already a popular concept in order to gain inspiration from nature to solve human problems.
All you need to solve a problem is to make an appropriate analogy with some concept of nature and you have your solution!
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